Marble tiles provides an aesthetic and elegance to your house. These are very durable and strong which if cared properly can give you a lifetime relief. Following are the tips that can help you in caring and maintaining your marble floor;
1. Clean the Marble Using Soft Mop

Daily cleaning using a soft mop to remove the dirt and dust off your marble floor is a must. A marble tile is coated with a top shiny layer abstain from using acidic solutions and mops having abrasive pads as they can damage or fade the shine of your marble if you scrub your tiles with it every day. Mixing mild soap in warm water would make the best cleaning solution for your marble tiles.
2. Use Runner and Mats

In order to avoid grit, small stones and debris from scratching your marble floor then you should use mats and area rugs in high traffic areas such as entrance of the house so that everyone who enters the house wipe off their feet and then move in.
3. Wipe Off the Spills Immediately
Spilling of different things such as; coffee, soda, ink, paint or any other liquid on the floor is very common but you need to wipe them off as soon as possible as there can be any chemical in the substance that might leave a stain and harm your aesthetic marble floor.
4. Avoid Cleaning in a Circular Pattern
People usually don’t pay much heed to the pattern of cleaning and do it as they like. But, cleaning in a circular pattern damaged your tile so, make sure you clean it with gentle hands in straight lined pattern.
5. Get Your Floor Polished

If you think that your marble floor has gotten old and its shine has waned away then maybe it’s about time to get your floor polished by professionals. You can find many marble floor polishing companies who have an excellent labor to do the work for you. After the polish, your tiles would shine like brand new ones and give a whole new and amazing look to your house.
6. Mend the Scratches
Even after scrupulous care of your marble floor, it can get scraped from some harsh substances such as stones or pebbles. However, some scratches can be fixed by you easily while some major ones need professional’s help which you can get from marble floor polishing companies.
7. Introduce the Sealer Layer
One amazing and long-term solution to protect your marble floor from scratches and stains is the addition of sealers. A transparent layer just above your marble floor are called sealers that are strong enough to provide protection to your tiles. Though, these sealers can also get injured if hit by really hard objects, but it would protect the marble tile from much serious damage. Moreover, the damaged layer be replaced by a new one.
Take note of these must know marble floor caring tips and let your marble shine brighter every day and give your house a luxurious look. Besides, there are a lot of marble floor polishing companies to help you in maintaining your exquisite flooring. Other professional services are also available from this kind of service providers like residential painting company.